The Un-Promised Land: Europe’s Migrant Crisis

The presence of refugees (people fleeing their home countries, due to various unforeseen circumstances) is certainly not a recent development in the world. Decades, even centuries, throughout history has shown masses of citizens forced (usually through war) to leave unbearable conditions . Although, it seems that the last 5 years or so has been theContinue reading “The Un-Promised Land: Europe’s Migrant Crisis”

The Fighting Filipino Spirit

The morning could only be described in two very simple words; hot and dry. Plans were not particularly set the night before, but now it was obvious that it would involve being in and around water (Due to forecast high of 39 degrees for the day). The Northern province of Pangasinan has much to offer,Continue reading “The Fighting Filipino Spirit”

The Journey Begins

Welcome to Inside From An Outsider. And so the journey begins. Or perhaps it already started years ago, without full awareness or knowledge of it ever beginning. Gradually over time, an interest progresses into an unwavering passion that keeps us searching for more. On this pursuit, the more you discover the more you yearn toContinue reading “The Journey Begins”

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